Mambo Customization
Mambo Customization
Mambo is most popular tool on the ground of open source content management system. It is designed so well with advanced features to meet the solution for complex and busy sites. Creation and management of websites are getting multipart due to increasing business needs and Mambo plays perfect helping resource to ease the complexity.
Mambo is having advance features that simplify the website functionality for better results and it is based on PHP and mySQL. Following are some advance features of Mambo that helps in atomization of many tasks like:
- Page catching
- RSS feeds
- Language internationalization or language packs
- Website searching
- Polls
- Blogs
- More downloads can be added
- Web indexing for static pages

Our dedicated services for Mambo projects
We create Mambo driven customized websites for our customers. We provide customized services regarding installation and configuration as we are having special open source customization team. Our services consist of:
- Installation
- Integration of modules as per client requirement
- Integration of new designs
- Alteration in existing content
How we convert them to successful projects
We are active participants in handling various open source customization projects as our professionals are delivering the optimum solutions for complex integration projects. Our research and development team regularly working for new innovations in the field of open source customization to deliver better solutions for our client projects.
Following are few convincible reasons for our success in online projects :
- Continues Research work for online developments
- Well managed plans for timely delivery of projects
- Advanced professional approach towards given tasks.
- Experienced Team for each project